torsdag, oktober 02, 2008


Asira is a small vilage that lies very close to the Yitzhar.

The settlers in Yitzhar are very scary and harras Arira on a weekly basis.

We once met a settelr from Ithamar, and we asked her were she was from, if she came from Yitzhar, she ansered: no way, those people are crazy, I am from Ithamar.

under this u see to links to movies that show wath is happening under settler atacks.

At one of them i was present!

two weeks ago a boy was killed by the army in the same village.
2 years ago his brother were killed.
And last wek the sodiers arested his brother.
try to put your self in the position of beeing a famelymemeber of this famely... remeber that u also weekly are beeing harrsed by settlers!

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